I am 26 years old and graduated from The University of Advancing Technology in Tempe, Arizona with a degree in Game Design. I previously worked for Lionbridge games as a game tester and worked on various projects that I can’t talk about. One project I can talk about was Age of Mythology: Retold which is the first major game where my name shows up in the credits. Working AOMR taught me so much about QA which let me advance myself in my QA testing knowledge. I’m always open to hear about more opportunities in the game industry to further my career. Here is my resume.
I grew up in the shadow of my dad, who to me is the definition of successful. He loves what he does and has always been there for his family and I am trying to get to the point where I can tell myself that I am as successful if not more than him. Everything he taught me growing up can still be seen in who I am today.
Photography is something that he taught me and still pops up in my life from time to time but not as much as I would like. Dogs are better than cats. Classic rock is always a yes. We should embrace the technology of the future and not ignore the fact that change is coming.
I am a hardcore gamer and spend most of my time playing games with friends or working on my skills to get better at the ones I am competitive in. Some of my all time favorite games include Halo 3, League of Legends, Immortalis, and the entire Assassin’s Creed franchise.
Over the last few years I’ve fallen in love with Magic: the Gathering and reignited my love for all TCGs (trading card games). Lacrosse will always be my favorite sport because I played throughout my youth and I have many memories and friends because of it.